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Huddersfield Giants • Accountability

Seen the drubbing at Warrington, seen Watson interview and seen Ken Daveys statement and none of them are good enough now.

Performance - not even championship standard, no threat of scoring and pitiful defending meant Warrington didn’t need to do anything spectacular in what ended up as a training run. I accept we had a few players missing so could mean attacking could be a bit clunky but the truth is it was the same as any other week and offered nothing. There is no excuse for the defending though, these are all full time professionals and it should be a basic requirement to be committed and able to tackle.

Watson - Players fault for not being fully committed to the cause and not being good enough.
But this is essentially HIS team and most of these are his choice so has he made bad choices (yes!) and is he now unable to put a competitive side on the field that is highly motivated? It would seem so and publicly blaming the players won’t help his cause.
We are now 3.1/2 years in to his reign and performances are getting worse, it is widely thought we are awful to watch (agreed) and offer little or nothing to Super League (agreed).
I would like to know how he justifies defeat after defeat and abysmal rugby to whoever he is answerable to.

Ken Davey - we all appreciate what he has done and is still doing, but I have to say that he now shoulders some responsibility for allowing this to go on. Last season could be taken as a blip and this year would see us bounce back but the rugby is not exciting and the performances and results are poor at best. Fans are deserting and losing interest so an already small support base will shrink further and be comll ppl Evelyn lost in a stadium that is far too big
I don’t know who Watson answers directly to but I believe the owner, the Chairman and the Managing Director/ Chief Exec need to have a serious review of the club as a whole because unless results and style improve on the pitch, and without becoming more high profile within the town there will be one man and his dog watching before long.
I have been supporting them for longer than I care to remember and have never felt so disillusioned and unenthusiastic towards them, it was more enjoyable when we entered SL and we’re getting pummelled every week, at least then we had few expectations weren’t the big spenders we allegedly are now

Statistics: Posted by Gazzagiant2 — Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:17 pm — Replies 0 — Views 104


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