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Warrington Wolves • Coronavirus

Saddened! wrote:

How is everyone on here doing? Anyone know anyone with the virus or symptoms? Seems odd that Warrington has such a low confirmed number when it's such a hub for jobs and transport. Maybe we're all very good at washing our hands?

All this isolation has made me cynical...

I reckon many people have it and don't even realise it. Also, many people have had it before it even kicked off and never realised it.

Do we really believe now that Wuhan managed to contain it for a couple of months, when it's managed to go global in about in a month?

Let's be honest, this virus has been global for months - many deaths, put down as your traditional flu deaths, will actually have been covid19.

The worst thing is, those who clamoured for a lockdown will claim it was the right thing to do whatever the eventual outcome... keep it below, say, 10000, they will say it worked, if it balloons to 30000+, they will say we never went early enough.

Ultimately, the result of this lockdown can't be judged until about 2050, after the mental health and austerity aftermath is fully seen - the deaths & society breakdown from that will be an interesting and, probably, a painful thing to witness.

Statistics: Posted by Dita's Slot Meter — Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:54 pm — Replies 287 — Views 19935



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