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The Sin Bin • Re: Brexit Anyone? (part 4)

wrencat1873 wrote:

You talk about treason but were happy for the Prime Minister , along with Farage to blatantly lie to all of us.
Which people actually conned the country ?

The "easy" free trade agreement and leaving the EU, currently involves throwing N. Ireland under a political bus.
ALL of the promises made were without any knowledge or idea of how they would be implemented and the Prime Minister seems happy to play fast and loose with the law.
It's a great example and seems to be in contempt of the law, although it's probably just about legal.

Remember the "control" that Boris and Farage wanted was to have the UK Parliament and judiciary as the lawmakers of the land but, it does seem that, he's not too happy with either.

IF Boris (or May before him) had been able to achieve half the deal that "vote Leave" promised, Brexit would have sailed through the Commons.
However, it was always impossible to deliver what was promised and still is.

Oh god move on. Show me a political campaign without exaggerations, half-truths and bold promises and I'll show you a rainbow unicorn dancing the macarena smoking a haddock.

Both sides did all of the above. Leave won and remainers can't handle it, which is why they repeat every you just did (and the red bus) as though it means anything. My eyes automatically glaze over whenever anyone uses this argument.

It's going to be another interesting week in Westminster, although, I actually expect that the deal will go through later in the week.

I think it depends on whether the EU grants an extension. My feeling is that Boris has a few EU leaders onside to veto the 'Parliament letter' in which case it comes down to this deal or no deal. If not we're in for months of more bullshttery.

Statistics: Posted by Cronus — Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:09 pm



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