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Hull FC - • So, Friday predictions against KR?

Hasbag wrote:

I'm wondering if the weather conditions have gone against Miloudi tonight. Perhaps if it was a summers night he would get a game (or at least I'd like to think so), but on a night that is forecast for rain and sleet is a maverick player like Miloudi really ideal? If the weather is as forecast later then I'd expect a high error count so maybe Radders just wants a steady pair of hands in the halves.

Maybe as a half back but he is a much better option on the wing.
The games he has played on the wing were his best for the club and thats his position in the French national team.
Also if thats the case why name Litten in the 19,and if you are playing form players from the friendly matches Dawson should not have even been considered as he was dreadful at saints.

Statistics: Posted by bonaire — Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:32 pm — Replies 141 — Views 10573


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