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Bradford Bulls - • Dual reg 2019

Alan wrote:

Not sure it will necessarily work like that, Bulliac. we have Josh Woods on a season long loan from Wigan. He is training with them in the day, and joining us for some of the evening sessions.

Yeah it's like that with most (if not all) DR players. They'll train with their full time team most of the time, but usually train with the part time team too. It's not like they just work part time while they're dual reg. Certainly Leeds players who dual reg with Fev will train with the Leeds full time squad primarily.

The idea that Bentley would have been better staying at Bradford than moving to Saints is quite frankly, ridiculous. I'm glad to see the lad doing well for himself and hope it gets better for him.

Statistics: Posted by HamsterChops — Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:37 pm — Replies 12 — Views 1895


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