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Hull KR • Re: Goal Kicker

Mild Rover wrote:

The NFL has been concerned about and taken steps to improve the pace of its games. It's arguably a slightly different point, but Union was concerned with the time lost to repeatedly resetting scrums and the last game I saw it seemed like it was a more controlled process with fewer collapsing.You are probably right it’s an age thing, I am in my late 60’s and am ok with

Also, maybe the world is changing - and our chairman has alluded to attracting the next generation of fans, and they possibly spend their time differently. Tbf, I suspect we all do versus 25 years ago. I think the feeling is that longer games with slower play are cutting against that grain. Life generally is faster now.

Being radical, could we just bin-off conversions altogether and have 5-point tries?

The big change I'd like to see is dramatically restricting the wrestle. There's a quote I've seen, I think from the early days of SL, something like: 'I have seen the future of rugby league and it is basketball' - it seems to have gone to the other extreme nowadays. And the growth in milking penalties at the ruck that has come with it is not entertaining or edifying.
It is probably an age thing but being in my late 60’s I do find it odd that the game seems to think that it needs to be constantly moving at breakneck speed, to win spectators certainly union is not all action nor is darts or snooker but it doesn’t make it any less tense or exciting for its followers. Not that it matters as us older ones are leaving the game anyway either through natural wastage or not wanting to be out late. The game is certainly not family friendly as no decent parents would bring young kids out at eight at night especially on Thursdays with school next day. Our game has sold its soul to SKY so they can pad out their schedules when there is no football, & I suspect all this call for shot clocks is so they can fit our game into their own slots in the programming. Sad for me but I have given up on my season ticket after 20 plus years as I won’t travel into Hull on a night for a game. Sunday afternoon (or Saturday in my youth) was the best time to play, fixed in everyone’s mind, ie that’s we all did that time every week. Now you can’t plan anymore as it changes with no warning, the sooner the game wakes up to the fact that people want a regular time slot that becomes a habit the sooner we might revive the game. I am sorry to say I think it is to late & the game is in its death throws! & I sure hope I am wrong.

Statistics: Posted by Beverley red — Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:39 pm


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