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The Sin Bin • Re: Brexit Anyone ? (part 3)

Sal Paradise wrote:

If I were May I would simply threaten a GE if the Tory MPs don't come to there senses. A number will lose their seats especially if May is the Tory leader going into the GE.

Even that wont work.

Had Brexit been a party issue, the thing would have been sorted long ago but, it's not.
Both of the main parties are badly split on the issue and with so many of our MP being in favour of remain, despite their constituants having voted " leave", they either run with their conscience or, follow the will of the voting public and far too many wish to follow their conscience.
Add to that "the deal that pleases no one nad you reach the current stalemate.

Statistics: Posted by wrencat1873 — Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:47 pm


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