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The Virtual Terrace • Re: Get rid

Salford were always the red devils as far as I can remember.
I thought they cut "devils" during that period of sooper dooper nfl/baseball/basketball re-branding, I dunno.

Not everything transposed from those sports looks as crass, the marketing of the event, corporate and event entertainment and the general hyperbole introduce was a decent refresh of an old format.
But once you start messing with a hundred years of club identity, it riles people up, not surprising really.
It was poop when it was introduced, and its poop now.
Not picking on Leeds particularly but I guess there'll be paying fans now that have never known them as anything other than the Rhinos, which I think is a shame, and I kinda wonder how they'd feel about dropping it after 20 years.
If not dropping it then at least putting something on there that ties them to 130 years of history playing Rugby in Leeds.
Leeds Rhinos sounds like they were formed yesterday and that it could be something else tomorrow, it gives no hint of their stature or level of participation in creating our sport over the years.

Statistics: Posted by Upanunder — Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:10 am


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