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The Virtual Terrace • Could Timoteo Simona play in Super League?

vastman wrote:

I'm sure to be shot at by the fans of 'big clubs' as nobody but them are entitled to have the best. However for me Solomona was the best signing ever made by SL from the NRL. He was still quite young, had not yet peaked, was a genuine International who went on to win a WC later that year and almost single handedly transformed a bottom two club into a team that got to within one win of a GF.

If another player did as well as that in their first season in SL and with the games most un-fasionable club at the time I'd like to know who?

Cue printer and his nonsense as he's bound to be outraged by my uperty Wakefield opinion.

Complain when I post, but yet bring my name up when you post on a thread I wasn’t getting involved in :lol: you just like being a crybaby don’t you?

Solomona was a good NRL signing. As for best during the SL era I’d probably throw Lesley Vainkolo’s name into the ring.

Statistics: Posted by ThePrinter — Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:09 pm — Replies 30 — Views 1195


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