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The Sin Bin • Re: Brexit Anyone ? (part 3)

Sal Paradise wrote:

What happens if they have another vote and the vote delivers the same result - do we leave with no deal, or do we keep having votes until we get a remain vote?

Unless there is proof of a huge swing in either direction (either a hardening of Brexit or in favour of remain), another referendum will just pro long the agony.
Having said that, it appears that Labour are leaning towards remaining in a customs union, keeping us somewhat closer to the EU, whilst allowing a "soft" border in Ireland.
Mind you, they have been blowing with the wind for the last 2 1/2 years so their policy could change at any time. Plus, there is no certainty of either an election or, Labour success in an election.

The big question still remains, why the hell didn't the Tories rally ALL support for Brexit straight after the referendum result and pin Laboutr down to leaving the EU, instead of waiting until it was too late and opposite opinions became further entrenched.

As things stand, assuming that The Tories remain in power, the only way we will leave is with no deal and there seems little appetite for that option

Statistics: Posted by wrencat1873 — Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:20 pm


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