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The Virtual Terrace • Catalans Challenge Cup

snowie wrote:

I'm against the french being in never mind toronto, its british league if they should sort they own league out, If I had my way catalan would be out of super league

Since the inception of Super League, it's a European League.
I dont know where the iead originally came from but, the idea (with London and Paris) was probably to persuade Sky, that Rugby League wasnt just played along the M62.
Paris went pop (along with other expansion clubs) but, whether we like Catalan in the comp and I certainly think they add something different (as well as it being a great trip :D ), I do think that they help "us" sell the game, both to broadcasters and sponsors and its bloody ridiculous that any side, especially a super league side, should have to come up with a bond.

The clowns that run our game could just as easily say that any club with an average attendance should pay a bond to be in the cup.

Catalan were invited to be part of our league (and cup) and they should be trated the same as everyone else and the double standards and hypocrisy of inviting Red Star into the cup and using the publicity, whilst at the same time making it impossible for Toronto, Toulouse and Catalan is just plain laughable or, at least it would be if it wasnt such a mickey poor decision.

Statistics: Posted by wrencat1873 — Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:54 pm — Replies 98 — Views 3321


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