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Wigan Warriors - • League table 2019

JonnyBroad wrote:

the reason the first 2 keep getting to the grand final is because genedrally they are gthe best teams over the season, i will exclude huddersfield from that though.

Under the top 5 system (and the top 6 to an extent) they are generally the best

Under the top8 and subsequent super 8 systems the best teams (IMO) didn't really care that much about finishing top, they let others get on with winning games that didn't really matter under those systems and burning themselves out.
I do think the super 8s were better than the top 8 system but marketing wise etc it's a logistical nightmare.

So basically, huddersfield won it when most other teams didn't care that much about it.

And yes,it meant little to anyone outside of wigan when we won it in 2010, or Castleford in 2017 or Warrington in 2011/16 etc. and saints last year.

Not many will really care this year, however they know 1&2 gives them a far better chance of winning the one that matters, so there will be more teams wanting to finish 1or2 to give them the best chance of the big one.

And as for those who talk about other games being dead rubbers. There will always be dead rubbers under any system.

Giving everybody something to play for every week and"manufacturing" ways to keep teams involved doesn't keep the intensity, it lessens it.
If they're out of the top 5 and safe from relegation with 10 rounds to go, then guess what?
They can either strive to get better or get worse.
Not sit and wait for a change of system to do it for them.

Statistics: Posted by Jukesays — Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:07 am — Replies 36 — Views 3556


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