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The Virtual Terrace • Wakefield and Castleford Stadium

Shifty Cat wrote:

Just to add, WMDC certainly doesn't think about their sporting facilities around the whole district, that's why we rank last in the whole Country in that area and I'm not talking about WMDC building a RL stadium here, it's the complete lack of Council owned sports facilities like MUGA pitches and swimming pools etc that people can use for a number of sports. Off the top of my head, they really only own, the Athletics track at Thornes Park and Sun Lane baths, many swimming pools out of the City Centre have been shut down. That's probably also why Wakefield has one of the worst child obesity problems in the Country as well. WMDC need to give the kids and let's be honest adults too, a good reason to get out of their bedrooms/ living rooms and a chance to play sport with their mates or by themselves, that doesn't involve traveling miles to get to.

WMDC knocked our sports centre down, told us we should all use the brand new one 5 miles away in a different town and hats not been built yet not got planning yet and unlikely to be built for at least 5 years if at all.

Statistics: Posted by rollin thunder — Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:29 pm — Replies 228 — Views 9126


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