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LB posted a discussion

LB posted a discussion

Wenty stats rd 22

Good win by Wenty, with youngsters dominating. Kaufusi 72mins, 33 tackles over 120 m running. Stone 26 tackles 141 m in 57 mins. 18 year old Stefano Utiokumanu 87 m and 18 tackles in 30 mins, Haze Dunster 90 m for a thin built winger.However, one glaring stat that has made this bitter sweet. this is referenced to a player that I have loved and defended so much however it has dwindled very quickly, with this player with 46 NRL games of experience, public stating his intention to play fullback so goes to ISP a lower level and dominates? no, 57 m running. that is abysmal, pathetic and he needs an attitude and reality check quick smart. yes he scored a try but he should've dominated instead of 57 m, he had more in his NRL game to which he was hooked. Incase you haven't noticed, this person is Bevan FrenchSorry Bev, I've defended you so much but after 40-4 win and that ISP performance NRL teams can try all they like to transform you into a 1See More


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