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The Virtual Terrace • Re: SL1 + SL2

wrencat1873 wrote:

12th, 8th, 5th and currently 6th, only slightly different to your miss quote but, lets have it right. Again, from deaths door, only 5 years ago, most would say excellent progress ??
Double the number of fans ??, again, another miss quote.
Yes, there were more under the Glover regime however, this was during a period of cheap season tickets, giveaways and some dramatic overstating of crowds and whether the numbers published are correct, perhaps we shall never know. However, our chairman certainly believes that revenues from those attending now is actually higher now, than it was back then.
As for signing poor quality players ??
Take another look at the table and realise that Trinity are currently 6th, with the lowest playing budget in the comp.
Our chairman may not be blowing the budget on superstars but, he and Chester have assembled a pretty competitive squad and perhaps you can let Mr Carter know just where the cash comes from to fund a "better" squad.
It appears to be getting slightly better year on year, which, many would say, is exactly what any club should be striving for. :IDEA:

So.....the bits in BOLD are the pertinent ones here.
The declared finishing positions were one out...sorry about that. The double the fans one though isn't......the official and declared attendance average in 2012 was 8,172. Without access to yesterdays figure, your current season average is 4,014, which is less than half of the 2012 figure. The fact that you pulled me up on one position over 4 years but are happy to then decry official attendances is rather for getting better, it would seem that 5th last year hasn't attracted any new fans, but instead delivered a drop of some 31%......but according to you that's OK.....because the missing 1,000+ were cheapskates anyway :CRAZY:

Statistics: Posted by Call Me God — Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:29 pm


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