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The Virtual Terrace • If England can't stick 30+ points on the Kiwis

Willzay wrote:

I imagine prior to those competitions said countries had their own domestic leagues set up?

Ireland did (and still does) have a national championship as well as individual province did Scotland and Wales. Not too sure of the overall strength of Union in Italy at Club level but the fact that they have over 1,000 clubs currently points to them having some pedigree. Argentina has a strong history of club comps.....but their senior players traditionally sought to join European clubs once the game turned openly professional. Other countries like Romania had some club comps, but again many of the Romanians sought employment in France once the Iron curtain fell.......even Japan has a rich history of Club Unon, so answer the question, Union didn't "shoehorn" alien nations into their domestic comps like Toronto are being squeezed in at all costs now.
On the topic of 19,000 announced as the gate...that's 25% capacity, which begs the question as to why did they choose such a cavernous stadium? A couple of American guys I met when they were here for the URWC 2011 went to the game sporting their warriors shirts that I made them buy :D and from the pics I've seen, the crowd were scattered around so much? The atmosphere (according to the 2 yanks) was "weird" and as much as they enjoyed it, they were stunned at the choice of venue......but they had a blast anyway!!

Statistics: Posted by Call Me God — Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:24 pm — Replies 251 — Views 6556


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