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The Virtual Terrace • GAME ON : Castleford Tigers v Wigan Warriors - 20:00:00

nottinghamtiger wrote:

The “if it was on TV” argument is never valid, I’m afraid. The reason is that incidents in games don’t happen in isolation. If Isa is binned for the tackle on Hitchcox, that doesn’t mean everything else that happened in the game would be the same
If Clubb’s try is awarded, play restarts in a completely different way and everything that follows is completely different and unknown. The fact is that nobody know what might have happened should one of the decisions be different. Wigan might have won. Cas might have won by more.
In life, we only know what happened. We don’t know what might have happened from an almost infinite number of possibilities.

I know what you're saying but you then have to argue that it's best not to score tries or it might alter the game negatively for you. That is, of course, a nonsense. The game was a close one. Either side scoring 8-12 points more than they did would, on the balance of probabilities, have been more likely to win that game than lose it. That's before we factor in that scoring usually swings momentum in the favour of the scoring side.

Are there any guarantees that Wigan would have won had those tries been awarded? Of course not. Would it have increased their chances of winning? Without question. In a game with a winning margin of just 1 point even more so.

Statistics: Posted by Phuzzy — Sun Jun 24, 2018 6:06 pm — Replies 40 — Views 1564


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