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Hull FC - • Re: Middle 8s v2.0

Jake the Peg wrote:

They have better squads and macbanana inherited most of it but chester has built much of that wakey squad. His recruitment seems to have been much better than peacock's over the last couple of years

Chester has done well at Wakefield - he seems a decent bloke, so i’m pleased for him.

Our hope has to be that Sheens offers a counter balance to some of Peacock’s more unworldly ideas. Or maybe Peacock has learned from experience, and come back with some better plans - just as Chester seems to have at Wakefield. It’s possible!

Tbf, it’s narrow margins. Maybe if we’d scraped through 2016, we’d have started to see the first fruits of the infamous 5 year plan by now. My gut feeling is that it was misconceived anyway, but perhaps my judgement is clouded by what happened.

Radford looked to be on shaky ground for a bit, and I think he did make a little bit of a mess of his first season in charge. He survived and has done brilliantly since - but if Pearson had been a little less patient, Radford could have been remembered very differently.

Statistics: Posted by Mild Rover — Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:24 pm


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