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The Virtual Terrace • SL1 + SL2

NEwildcat wrote:

You're entitled to your opinion but it's a bit null and void if you refer to three clubs as "bigoted tossers". Wakefield will be dealt with, as will many in the near future whether it be licensing or operating criteria, until then it'll be down to what happens the pitch.

is English not your first language? I believe what I said was that those fans who would whine, act indignantly and refuse to attend a merged club are bigoted tossers and I stand by that assertion. 145 years of playing the sport and Wakefield are on 4k gates...heritage, history and teary-eyed memories are great, but they don't build stadiums nor pay bills......the "team before the game" model doesn't work, especially in Rugby League in the UK.....Wakefield, Salford, Widnes, Huddersfield....all clubs that have 588 combined years of History, heritage and teary-eyed memories....currently these 4 giants combined are averaging 4,457 fans per game....none of these clubs will be challenging for honours any time soon with Huddersfield the only ones to have ONCE been involved in the 44 top level finals since SL started..... for the "on the pitch" statement....a favourite go to of fans of clubs who are happy with mediocrity for the entire sport as it enables them to hide their shortcomings amongst the other "water-treading" dross.....sorry if it sounds harsh, but the RFL and SL will soon part company and a few chairmen will dictate who's in and who's out and 4k gates playing out of a rubbish tip isn't going to give the Pearsons and Lenegans their parity with Union that they so crave.....

Statistics: Posted by Call Me God — Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:45 pm — Replies 231 — Views 9183


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