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Wigan Warriors - • Joel and Sam Tomkins video

100% Warrior wrote:

As I rapidly approach 30yrs old I can absolutely testify to the prolonged hangover. It takes me a good solid 3/4 days to recover mentally, physically and emotionally from a session.

God knows how I managed it when I was 18. Two weeks solid bingeing on holiday with the lads and I landed back home Saturday morning and was up King St that night.

Thankfully for me I’ve also never held a job that requires me to be in absolute peak fitness, although a decent level is required. If I was good enough to make SL level as a player all those stories of drunken escapades and solid lengthy sessions wouldn’t be a thing. Part of being a professional athlete is discipline both in and more importantly OUT of work. They’re role models, not just to the young players but the older players such as open age players. I know I based my game on Jamie Peacock.

If an 18yr old academy player saw Joel and Sam doing this up King St or another player having a set to or someone else snorting something what example does that give? What does that say to that player? It would have told me that I could do as I please as I play for Wigan.

I’ve said it before but if this culture at Wigan truly is about team and self discipline; Joel has to go especially after the two assaults caught on camera. It may seem drastic, draconian even but it send out one hell of a message to the younger players at the club.

I can't disagree with that at all BUT the more worrying thing for me are the posters on here who seek to excuse the behaviour (they should be able to have a drink , they are not role models,players have always done it, it is only what other people do etc etc ad nauseum, ). As professional athletes I find it shocking that during the season some (not all) players think it acceptable to over indulge to that level.

Statistics: Posted by exiled Warrior — Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:12 pm — Replies 245 — Views 23035


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