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fake midget posted a discussion

fake midget posted a discussion

Penalties and no Cam Smith in origin

The first origin without the extra ref Cam Smith for a long time so I was very interested in the play the ball speed and other things which I kept a close eye on.I know so called journalists such as buzz rothfield and others who criticise the penalty crack down probably wet their pants with excitement thinking they forced the refs into less penalties and will print as much in upcoming stories as not too many were blown. But if you watch game and pay attention you will release the play the balls were lot quicker then usual and players made genuine attempts to get on side minus the Inglis tackle on tommy turbo from 3 metres offside.To me that shows players are capable of delivering high quality product without conceeding penalties however are coached to do so in club games. It also shows the affect Cam Smith has had particularly in origin knowing not as many penalties are blown. This allowed him to wrestle and hold players as he was involved in over 40 penalties a game and other players followed his lead. He is the best wrestler and ref manipulator by a country mile and gets very few penalties blown against him. That led to refs allowing more leeway to both sides as it hard let Smith and co. hold nsw for few extra seconds without giving nsw more time as well (although usually less then smith and qld were allowed) slowing origin games for recent years.This was one of the more free flowing origins in recent memory and not just because of the players each team picked but for who wasn't there.I would like to know if others also think results of qld winning or lack of shoulder charge and biffo aren't what has hurt origin recently with many feeling it had lost some of its spark. I think Smith was so dominant in changing ruck speed not only for his team but any game he was involved in. Especially in origin knowing penalties aren't blown for offside play and wrestling as often, it prevented the talent to shine through and we got more grinding style matches. This played into qld hand to clinch close games late with their experience as happened in many series clinching wins.Gallen and others replaced with fresh faces for nsw has helped open nsw up as well but the lack of Smith should see more open footy and less grinding ruck controlled games for origin in the near future.I just hope that it is not used as an argument for some in media to preach their don't blow penalties argument with the refs as it was players abiding by rules that resulted in faster game with less stoppages not the refsSee More


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