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Tad "living in a world of spin" posted a discussion

Tad "living in a world of spin" posted a discussion

Dean Pay gets fined $25000 Is this fair?

Not sure if it can be challenged through a freedom of speech issue at some sort of human rights level. You can basically say anything you want about any sensitive type issue which can be very harmful with long term consequences for some. You can call a Prime Minister a Fuch witt in Australia at least without any consequence. Say something against a referee --some would say an honest comment and you get severely fined. ---Should the NRL consider jail sentences?? I know a silly comment ---but why the severity for a fairly harmless comment. I understand you need to protect referres from being geed up by sport officials against poor form.. But this applies to every Governance in every facet of life. Not sure what would happen if Pay doesn,t paySee More


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