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The first British Judo competition of 2021

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The British Judo Association are pleased to announce the launch of their latest online video kata event, this time focusing on Ju-no-kata and with categories for children and adults, and for people new to this kata as well as experts.

The Ju-no-kata is a gentle set of movements that does not involve completion of throws; therefore, it is something that parents can do with their children, or siblings can do together. All you will need is a household partner. There is no need a mat or even a judogi!

Closing Date to submit your entries: 31st July 2021

Venue: Your living room (or other suitable location)

Equipment: Camera to film yourself. A partner from your household.

Entry Fee: Free

The Ju-no-kata is a kata to help learn the principles of yielding, flexibility, and suppleness in judo. It does not even require the completion of any throws.

A parent could act as uke (receiver) for their child, although the moves do involve lifting the uke, so it would only be suitable for older children or very light parents. A suitably matched siblings can also, of course, form a kata pair.


Once you have filmed your entry, you can upload it here – click upload and upload your kata video.

Once uploaded, email both names (make clear who is tori), BJA membership number of tori and their date of birth, club, area or home country and the name of your uploaded video to: andrewhaffner@btinternet.com

Entrants are able to upload as many videos as they wish should you subsequently improve and wish to enter a second video.


There are three sets, each of five movements. Proper posture, subject to physical constraints, is important, as well as smooth, continuous, flowing movement.

Details and teaching videos are available here:

Kodokan coaching video

Kodokan video – more detail

More coaching help from W. Dax

Wolfgang Dax from World C’ships

Categories and Eligibility

Group 1: tori under 16 years (uke can be any age): First set (i.e. moves 1-5) only.

Group 2: tori and uke any age: First and second sets (i.e. moves 1-10) only.

Group 3: experienced Ju-no-kata players: full kata.

All tori entrants must have held a BJA or affiliate membership valid on March 1st 2021.

In order to allow parents and non-judoka siblings to partner the tori, the uke does not need to hold a membership.

If you have previously medalled in the British Championships in Ju-no-kata or are experienced in the full kata, please enter Group 3.

What To Do

Study the Kodokan coaching video of Ju-no-kata. Practice the moves and learn the sequence. Then record a video of yourself in your living room or anywhere available, performing the sets required for your category, including opening and closing bows.

All participants will receive a downloadable certificate. Your kata will be reviewed by a Kata Examiner who will give feedback. The National Kata Group will select the best kata in each group and will award a gold medal for each best pair. Silver and bronze medals will be awarded depending upon the number of entries.

What the Video Should Show

Make sure the video shows both players in full doing the opening and closing bows. It also needs to show the full bodies whilst doing the moves. Players can wear judogi (if so, wear grade belt) or can wear casual athletic clothing. After performing your set, or sets, step back do the closing bows. Remember that each set has five moves – there is no adjusting the kit after each set, unlike Nage-no-kata and Katame-no-kata.

The video should be taken from the position of shomen/joseki, and tori is the athlete on the left when viewed from shomen.

Space Restrictions

Between moves, you can adjust your position as much as is needed so that you can fit the moves into the space available. This adjustment will not form part of the scoring.


This is a gentle kata and can be performed without force. However, in several moves the tori is required to lift uke, though not to throw them – in each case uke is lowered gently back to the floor. Please make sure that the tori can comfortably control uke during these moves and practice carefully. If in doubt, take the technique to the point of lifting but do not lift. This will cause a reduction in marks, but better that than an injury.

Covid-19 Restrictions

Both players MUST be from the same household and all national Covid-19 rules must be observed.

PLEASE NOTE: although this should be a non-risk activity, both for coronavirus or injury, the BJA can accept no liability on either grounds. Players take part entirely at their own risk.

The post The first British Judo competition of 2021 appeared first on British Judo.



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