Monthly Draw – February 2025
February’s Monthly Draw took place this week with Aisha from the Link Service Station, drawing the lucky numbers.
They were:
No 607 Charlie Harkin, £800
No 409 Noreen Toland, £300
Have you joined the Derry City FC Monthly Draw yet?
To join, contact one of the following for a Standing Order:- George 02871266378, Pat 07955375876 or Richard, 07882545428 or for alternative details.
Just £10 per month for your chance to win.
For more info and how to sign up, click here.
Playing could not be easier. Once your entry has been submitted, you will be assigned a three digit number which will be your lucky number entered in the draw each month. You do not need to check your numbers each month as our system will identify the winners. All winners will be notified personally.
To enter, you can get in touch with Pat Gillen on 07955375876, George Caldwell on 02871266378 or Richard McKinney on 07882545428 to sign up.
New members always welcome to help support the club and to get yourself the chance to win the monthly prizes!