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Ticket Stub Collecting (13 replies)

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Hi everyone. I believe this is my first post on here - so hello! My name is Ryan. I'm a gold away member and have been for 3/4 years.
Since following the Blues, I've always kept my ticket stubs and put them away in boxes/folders as a way of keeping a physical memory of the game. Gradually, I've began to grow this and it's become a hobby of mine.
My question here is, does anyone keep their tickets after games, and if so, please could you comment on this post as I would potentially be interested in buying particularly tickets from the 2019/20 season.
2 in particular I am looking for is from the 2019 preseason games vs Bristol Rovers and Swindon. If anyone has these please message.
Not sure if this type of message is allowed so please if I've broken any rules I apologise. Thank you, up the blues and KRO!


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