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Re: Linkin Park

My Blue Heaven
Just as I thought, she at the time believed and trusted a friend. Oh no hang her out to dry.

Funnily enough I’m sure everyone knows or is friends with some that’s turned out to be a wrong un. The time to judge people is when you know they’ve done something wrong, and depending on what that is, how you treat them after.

I know someone who’s in prison for murder, I believed what they’d say up until hearing the evidence in court, never muttered a word towards them since, bar something quite angry.

The internet and some gullible people are dangerous, this thread is littered with people calling her a rape apologist based on some dweeb on Reddit

You are spot on. Played football with a bloke most of my adult life, he was accused of doing something I'm not repeating on here, I didn't believe a word of it, untill he got sent down for it. We all feck up and can be too loyal.
Anyway, the main point you make is valid, people are far too quick to be judge and jury, often as it's something they've read on the internet. Dangerous.


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