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Summer 2024 Newsletter

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Dear Friends, we hope this letter finds you safe and as well as possible. Thank you to everyone who has taken time to write to us. While we are unable to answer each letter individually, we read every single one of your letters. We love hearing from you!We started the year by hosting Legislative Advocacy and Loved Ones Self-Advocacy Trainings, while legislative work in Springfield kept our policy team busy. In April, we led an advocacy day in Springfield to bring attention to our state’s solitary confinement policies. The regular legislative session concluded at the end of May. Keep in mind as you read the legislative updates that it is challenging for criminal legal system reform bills to move during an election year when many legislators are running for re-election. Throughout the summer, we will meet with legislators in their district offices to educate them about making the criminal legal system in Illinois more compassionate. We will return to Springfield for the veto session, whi...


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