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Do you like the job you do? (20 replies)

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After being out of work for over a year after factory closure and being made redundant I’ve found another job and so far I don’t like it at all, it’s mostly customer service orientanted which I’ve found out I don’t like much.
I’m being honest here I think the working life sucks, working all week barely anytime left to yourself, just work and sleep mostly while trying to squeeze in a few enjoyments which you can barely enjoy due to being exhausted and knowing you got to be up early next day to do it all again.
The time I had off I felt so destressed and had all the time to do the things I like.
Maybe it’s because customer service exhausts me dealing with people all day but since I’ve gone into this job I’d say I was easily more happy having barely no money and being out of work.
I’ve only been there a few weeks, maybe I need time to adjust and get used to the job but damn if this is how you have to live to make ends meet it’s pretty depressing.
When I worked the in the factory it wasn’t as bad I suppose i was used to it and didn’t have to deal with customers but in my opinion unless you have a job you enjoy the working life is crap.
If only I could win the lotto...
Anyways fellow bluenoses, do you like your job?
And any honest thoughts on the working life?


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