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Challenge - The Gauntlet Challenge

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Before I began this part of the game, I was given a daunting task: To solo Cerulean Gym with a Pokemon that doesn't have a type advantage. I was also not allowed to use items outside of battle for that solo. Because I didn't want to constantly restart, I took a look at the Pokemon I could use against the gym that could be obtained up to meeting Bill. Jack (Charmander): I soloed Misty with a Charmeleon in my Scramble, but I had to get it to level 38 to do so. However, that was without access to Dig, Mega Punch, or Seismic Toss.Verdict: Unlikely Jaques (Spearow): It's frail and not too powerful, at least as a Spearow.Verdict: Unlikely Tooie (Rattata): Similar case as Jaques, but it has Quick Attack and Hyper Fang to be useful.Verdict: Possible Hamtaro/Rose (Nidoran): They either have a weakness to Water, or just aren't powerful enough.Verdict: No Vincent (Pidgey): I've read about it being done, but it caused 5 restarts in the process.Verdict: Unlikely Killer (Weedle): Can only know Poiso...


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