Portals - Volusia County Schools
Parent Portal VPortal Intranet Parent PortalParent PortalThe Parent Portal is a great way for parents/guardians to stay connected to their students:GradesAttendanceAssessmentsAnnouncementsView discipline referral informationPay for Field Trips and other school itemsAcademy and Advanced Program applicationsSchool Choice applicationsEnroll a new studentParent Portal accounts are available for all students enrolled with Volusia County Schools and are easy to set up.Initial Setup Instructions Step 1: Creating your Parent Portal Account Step 2: How to Add (link) a Student to your Account Other Setup Error Messages Step 1: Creating your Parent Portal Account1. Click on:Access Parent Portaland click the link for "Click here to register for a new account".Note: To complete Step 2 will require you to have a PINfor each student you wish to link to your Parent Portal. If you do not already have the PINplease contact the ITS Help Desk at 386-734-7190 x25000 or contact your school's registrar.2. En...