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Information about Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 and our 737-9 MAX fleet - Alaska Airlines News

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Previous Updates 8 a.m. Pacific, Jan. 25Final inspections of our 737-9 MAX fleet underwayto safely return the aircraft to serviceThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Wednesday, Jan. 24, approved a thorough inspection and maintenance process for the 737-9 MAX aircraft. Alaska Airlines is now performing these detailed inspections of our planes.Each of our aircraft will only return to service once the rigorous inspections are completed and each aircraft is deemed airworthy according to the FAA requirements. We have 65 737-9 MAX in our fleet. The inspections are expected to take up to 12 hours for each plane.Following these inspections by our skilled Alaska Maintenance technicians, we expect to bring our first few planes back into scheduled commercial service on Friday, Jan. 26.At the request of the FAA, our Maintenance technicians completed preliminary inspections on 20 of our 737-9 MAX aircraft two weeks ago. The data we collected was provided to the FAA for further analysis. Tho...


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