President: general election Polls
UPDATED Jul. 13, 2024, at 9:28 AMCheck out our popular polling averagesWho’s Ahead in National Presidential Polls?General election polling averageDo Voters Want Republicans Or Democrats In Congress?Generic ballot polling averageHow Popular Is Joe Biden?Approval polling averageDo Americans Have A Favorable Opinion Of Donald Trump?Favorability polling averageFilter by poll type or statePoll typeStateDistrictPolitician/institutionCycleElection typeSubpopulationWho’s ahead in all?An updating average of 2020 presidential general election polls, accounting for each poll’s quality, sample size and recencyKEYESTIMATE95% OF POLLS PROJECTED TO FALL IN THIS RANGEPolling averages are adjusted based on state and national polls, which means candidates’ averages can shift even if no new polls have been added to this page. Read more about the methodology.Sort by dateDatesSampleiSAMPLE TYPESA ADULTSV VOTERSLV LIKELY VOTERSRV REGISTERED VOTERSPollsterSponsorResultNet resultDatesiSAMPLE TYPESA ADULTSV VO...