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Care Management | United Urology

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We know managing all your care needs, from routine health maintenance to advice from specialists and changes in medications can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. We have teamed up with CareHarmony, a national leader in supporting practices and health systems in offering Care Management programs.Care Management is a new program available to eligible patients living with one or more chronic condition.Care CoordinationWe offer a service that can help you navigate these challenges. The CareHarmony care coordination service is designed to help you take care of you! You will benefit by receiving monthly telephone assistance in between your regular appointments. This includes a dedicated Care Coordinator to guide you towards better health.Care Management extends your care outside of the four walls of your physician's practice to ensure that you maintain the best possible health. Each month your Care Coordinator will call you to:Assist with scheduling appointments, lab tests or other...


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