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Nice Conjunct of Denise Riley's 'A Misremembered Lyric,' Joanne Kyger…

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John Latta at Isola di Rifiuti wrote recently of Denise Riley, Joanne Kyger, and George Stanley--a lovelier bunch we can't think of at the moment--it's, moreover, about the "tender chaos of a momentary lingual void: speechlessness gumming up the works." More:Or is it the residual glossolalia of the century itself, its tumult of colliding voices, unsorted, inept, mercurial. Cuttings, unculled, relentlessly bunching up, merging into cranial array only to disperse, no agglutinant rare enough to hold, no grease fine enough to prevent seepage. Rendering gone to slop and fandango: “The rendring reid vhilk bouis with euerie blast.” Saith Frank O’Hara, likely thinking of the impish provocateur Rimbaud: “Art is not your life, it is someone else’s.”At which point he posts Riley's "A Misremembered Lyric," lucky for us. The poem is known for, as much as it can be, invoking the song "Rhythm of the Rain," sung by The Cascades...Latta writes that it's a "piece nigh-joyously grubby with its surround,...


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