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Unauthorized Access to Okta's Support Case Management System: Root Cause and Remediation

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Executive SummaryWe offer our apologies to those affected customers, and more broadly to all our customers that trust Okta as their identity provider. We are deeply committed to providing up-to-date information to all our customers.On Thursday, October 19, Okta advised customers of a security incident. Having finalized our investigation, we can confirm that from September 28, 2023 to October 17, 2023, a threat actor gained unauthorized access to files inside Okta’s customer support system associated with 134 Okta customers, or less than 1% of Okta customers. Some of these files were HAR files that contained session tokens which could in turn be used for session hijacking attacks. The threat actor was able to use these session tokens to hijack the legitimate Okta sessions of 5 customers, 3 of whom have shared their own response to this event.The unauthorized access to Okta’s customer support system leveraged a service account stored in the system itself. This service account was granted...


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