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Elementary/Middle Running Points and Upcoming Tournaments

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In case you don’t remember, the Pisacafe Elementary and Middle School Tournaments accumulate points.  The more tournaments you do, how many fencers were in the tournament, and where you place in the tournament determines how many points you get in each tournament.  You don’t have to win every tournament to be a points winner, fencers that participate in a lot of events can earn more points than a fencer that attends a few and takes first place.  All fencers are in competition with other Pisacafe member clubs and fencers.

Here are the current standings:
-Elementary School: https://www.askfred.net/leagues/7e175511-e78d-4a14-aabe-866a0a567944/MxF/unsanctioned-elementary-school-mixed-foil
Olivia McKinney is currently in 1st with 200 points.  Lucas Hein is in 2nd with 149 points.

-Middle School:  https://www.askfred.net/leagues/b5e0618b-6214-4d35-b528-0d85c43b4e95/MxF/unsanctioned-middle-school-mixed-foil
Gideon Hartman is currently in 1st with 143 points.  Samantha Potwin is in 2nd with 127 points.

Upcoming Tournaments
Wish all fencers luck that are competing this weekend in Wilmington!

Next Pisacafe Elementary and Middle School and Home School Event:
January 25, 2025
Greensboro Fencing Academy, Greensboro, NC
10AM:  NC Homeschool Team
12PM:  Elementary School
12PM:  Middle School
1:30PM  Homeschool Individual
Registration:  https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/b7eef9ab-d926-4025-953f-792cc8caf4c4


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