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Equipment Supplier at Bully City Regional This Weekend And Other Updates

0 17

Bull City Regional Tournament at Durham
This weekend, a handful of our fencers will be fencing at the Bull City Regional Tournament. Even if you’re not fencing, we encourage you to visit, support our fencers, watch some good fencing, and there will be an equipment supplier on site!

Blue Gauntlet fencing equipment will be the onsite equipment vendor for the event. If you’re looking to purchase a new set, replacing some equipment, buying new equipment, or try on uniforms/shoes, this is a good place to do so! You can see what they carry here: https://www.blue-gauntlet.com

Event location:
Leroy T. Walker Physical Education and Recreation Complex/ North Carolina Central University
1450 South Alston Avenue Durham, NC 27707

If you want to cheer on our fencers, here is when everyone is fencing (and when I will be there):
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Isabelle Guevarra, starting 12PM, Junior Women’s Foil
Seth Wilson, starting 2:30PM, Y14 Men’s Foil
Isabella Lee, starting 6PM, Y14 Women’s Foil

Sunday, September 29, 2024
Olivia McKinney, starting 12:30PM, Y12 Women’s Foil

Saturday, October 12, 2024 Tournament
We are also planning a non-sanctioned event on October 12, 2024. This will not yet be part of the Pisacafe Circuit since many other young fencers at the other clubs would not be available, but we’re trying to squeeze in another tourney for our fencers. We will have the following events:

9AM: Y10 (Born 2014-2017)
9AM: Y12 (Born 2012-2015)
1PM: Senior Women’s Foil (Born 2011 or earlier)
1PM: Senior Men’s Foil (Born 2011 or earlier)

Registration: https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/74e16a6f-dc07-4f47-a2b9-2f4f5eb8fcf2
Fee on site: $20

Lastly – Seniors Survey
Are you a current high school senior? Please fill out this survey!


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More news:

Read on Sportsweek.org:

Manitoba Fencing Association
All-American Fencing Club
Lincoln Fencing Club

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