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Celebrating a century in the saddle and other things the horse world is talking about

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A birthday ride

A rider who celebrated her 100th birthday in the saddle said she will probably carry on riding, 98 years after she started. Elizabeth Breton went for a hack on Lily, and got a card from The King, on New Year’s Eve. Mrs Breton first rode aged about two, then went on to win in point-to-pointing and eventing, and only missed out on competing at Badminton owing to equine injury. Her carer Esha said she thinks the horses and riding have contributed to Mrs Breton’s longevity. “And the Alexander Technique, which she had every week, lots of activities – and a bit of whisky every evening!” she said, with which Mrs Breton agreed.

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An unconventional champion

Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum has paid tribute to her superstar Checkmate 4, who has died at the age of 30. “Joey” and the US-born German rider together won world and European team gold medals, as well as European team bronze, two German championships and five-star grands prix. “He showed actively until he was 19 years old and then joined his friend Shutterfly on the field behind our home for his remaining years,” Meredith said. “I hope he will reunite with his friend ‘Petey’ once again in the heavens above. I will miss you Joey.”

Read the full tribute

Council decision criticised

The Greenwich council’s decision to sell off its equestrian centre built as a legacy of the 2012 Olympics has come under fire in a heated debate. H&H reported last year that the venue was to be sold by the council, in a decision later called in for debate by councillors. At a meeting of the council’s overview and scrutiny committee last week, Cllr Matt Hartley, one of those who called in the decision, said the decision-making process was a “complete contradiction” of the council’s community engagement pledge and that the “disappointing” lack of engagement made “a mockery of the council’s own words about engaging communities”.

Read the full report

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