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9 Common Spanish Plants for Your Mediterranean Garden

Little rain and year-round sun mean a Spanish garden looks very different from one in the UK. You’ve probably seen swathes of green sweeping across manicured grounds and tropical flowers in places like Park Guell, but Spain is also home to sun-bleached plains and dusty desert landscapes, so just what plants can survive that Mediterannean heat?You might associate holidays to Spain with scorching sun and sumptuous sea temperatures, but it’s actually the most climatically diverse country in all of Europe. Still, with Spain’s mostly temperate weather, experiencing hot summers and milder winters, there are some plant species that thrive all over the country.Whether you’ve got green fingers and want to spruce up your new holiday home, or you’re simply fascinated by Spain’s ecosystems, we’ve compiled just the list for you with these 9 common Spanish plants. Like a holiday in the Spanish sun will invigorate and recharge your batteries, the Mediterranean has the same effect on this native flora...


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