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10 times in life when your horse is your best friend

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horse head over stable door

Our horses are often more like family than friends, and there are certain times when they really do help us to overcome the most difficult hardships and struggles.

Here are 10 times in life when your horse really is your best mate…

1. When you’ve had a bad day at the office

A good blast on your horse after that meeting you were dreading or a manic day behind the desk can be the best thing for your mental health and can leave you feeling like a new person ready to take on tomorrow.

2. When you move away from home

When you’re suddenly thrust into a new setting with new surroundings and faces to navigate, it can be settling to have one person — your horse — that you know.

3. When you break up with someone

Who needs a signifcant other when you’ve got your horse? Plus, unlike your friends, your horse is unlikely to give the “I told you so” speech when you unburden yourself to him.

4. When your child goes away to study

You’ve spent the past two decades caring for your children so when they leave home you can suddenly feel at a loss. This is when a horse can definitely fill a hole and give you a well-needed focus.

5. When you have a fall-out

An argument at home or with friends can leave you feeling lonely. But a quick nuzzle from your horse over the stable door and you quickly realise that you’re never really alone.

6. When you feel stressed or anxious

Horses are great listeners, and a peaceful hack after a stressful day can melt away all of your troubles so you feel ready to tackle any situation.

7. When you feel like you have no other friends

Human relationships change, but your horse will love you unconditionally and will not de-friend you for any reason whatsoever.

8. When you’re feeling adventurous

Fancy getting out and exploring the big wide world? Saddle up and head out for an adventure with you horse — you won’t regret it.

9. When you’re out of work or retired

Life slows down a little bit, so it’s lovely to have a partner in crime to wander across the countryside and take in the surrondings with.

10. When you just feel a bit sad

Feeling teary? Grab a chunk of mane and settle in for a long cuddle. Instant mood lift.

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