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China's Quan Hongchan had a flawless gold-medal diving performance with two perfect 10's

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Wow. So, perfect 10’s really do exist. China’s Quan Hongchan just proved it to us with one of the best diving performances we’ve ever seen — literally.

The 14-year-old diving phenom scored not one, but two, perfect 10’s on dives in her very first international competition in the women’s 10-meter platform final. Just typing that out, it doesn’t even seem possible. But it happened. She was really perfect.

The wild part is that if the Games had happened as scheduled last summer, Quan wouldn’t be here. She would’ve been too young to qualify. But she’s here now. And she’ll leave the Games as the absolute best diver in the world with a flawless performance under her belt.

The first 10 came here.

Then she followed that up with another epic dive

Just incredible. Her scores lined up look like video game numbers.

Just insane. We may never see anything like this again. This greatness is to be appreciated.

And just think, when she comes back for the 2024 Games, she’ll be a 17-year-old veteran. The follow-up to this performance is going to be incredible.


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