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How Not to Store Your Unicycle (or Odd Bike)

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Whether you have a mountain unicycle or a larger model used for touring, there are some things you should do to care for it. Then, there are some things you should never do, particularly with respect to how you store it.

This post will focus on those faux pas - don’t do the following with your one-wheeler. In fact, don’t do any of the following with your odd bike, be it a minibike, a penny or a circus bike.

Don’t Store It Outside

This is probably, all else being equal, the single worst thing you can do to your unicycle (or your odd bike).

It is especially bad for those that live in coastal areas, where there is a lot of salt in the air, but it’s bad for anyone that lives in a place that experiences chronic high humidity.

Moisture is not just a steel-killer. It will also cause oxidative corrosion on aluminum frames. Some of the first places you will notice corrosion are on the ball bearings in the pedals, the crank arms, and the crank bolts.

Another area that’s highly suspect to corrosion is the seat tube, especially where it slides up and down through the frame and seatpost clamp, which can scratch it. Anywhere the finish is scratched, there is an opportunity for corrosion to gain a foothold.

Corrosion is not the only reason not to store your unicycle outside. If you store it in direct sunlight, expect the plastic components to break down faster.

Most notably, this indicates the tires and the saddle. UV destroys the rubber used in tires, and leaving your unicycle in direct sunlight all but guarantees you’ll get a shorter lifespan from your tires.

As for the saddle, UV breaks down the polymers in the saddle seat itself. This will cause cracking and over time it will disintegrate - which is not good.

Take that last part with a grain of salt, though, because some riders actually like the cushioned, mashed-down feeling of a well-worn saddle. Just be aware that the longer you leave it in the sun, the more you will be shortening your saddle’s lifespan.

Don’t Forget to Clean It

Another note for those that live in coastal areas (or anywhere else with high humidity). Not only is it imperative that you don’t store your unicycle outside, it is also imperative that you clean it regularly.

Leaving salt deposits on your seat tube or frame is just a fast-track to rust and corrosion. And yes, aluminum will corrode, too. You’ll just see white aluminum oxide instead of red iron oxide (which we commonly call rust).

By the way, all that’s needed is a quick wipedown with a clean, dry rag. Avoid the use of oil or grease as these can actually trap moisture against the surface of metal and can ironically accelerate corrosion if not applied conscientiously.

Just make sure when you get home from a ride, there’s a clean, dry rag waiting for you and that you wipe down all exposed metal surfaces of the unicycle.

Don’t Store It in the Back of Your Car

For any ride (unicycle or otherwise) with pneumatic tires (that is, air-filled) it is actually imperative that you don’t store the thing in the back of your car, especially in the summer, or if you live in an area with a hot climate.

The reason for this is that temperature swings can go wild in a closed car, especially in direct sunlight, when the temperature’s on the up and up. What will happen if it gets really hot is that your tires will expand.

And then, if it’s really hot, your tires will jump off the rim, or worse, they will pop. Then you need new tires and have to go through the trouble of replacing them.

Of course, you could have avoided this unpleasantry just by remembering where to store your unicycle.

Interestingly, since our minibike is made with solid-rubber tires, this one note doesn’t apply. So that one you actually can keep in the back of your car if you have one.

Don’t Forget That Tire Pressure Is a Thing

Another quick note for any of you that live in places where there are extreme temperature shifts - make sure you’re conscious about tire pressure.

If it’s cold in the morning but the ambient temperature goes up 50 degrees or more through the course of the day, there’s a problem. Tires that might have shown acceptable PSI readings in the morning will be severely overpressured by the afternoon.

The unicycle will not handle well, especially on sand or loose earth, so the goods news is that you should notice an overfilled tire. But if you don’t notice and keep riding, you run the risk of a blowout.

Don’t Leave It on the Floor of the Garage

Lastly, while it might be considered good practice to bring your unicycle into the garage, don’t leave it in the middle of the floor, anywhere.

Hanging it is actually a better option. For one, hanging it will help prevent you from running it over. For another, hanging it will take pressure off the tire, helping to prevent flat spots from arising.

If you don’t want to hang it, get a unicycle stand, or a bike stand. One of the bike stands from Willworx will suit you well. A stand will keep it off the ground and will help prevent you from running it over, but it won’t solve the issue of a flat spot in the tire.

Either way, both options (hanging the thing or getting a stand) are better than leaving it lying on the ground.

Time for a New Ride?

We don’t care if you’re here for a new unicycle, a penny-farthing, or a minibike, as long as you properly care for it when you get it.

At the same time, you can learn from experience. If you’re here for a new ride we have it. Take a look through our collection and get in touch with our customer service representatives directly if you have any questions about product or model specifications.


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