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Director Spotlight: Ella Walmsley

Meet Ella one of our Board of Directors.

  • Tell us a little about you?

I value being immersed in the world around me, learning about the forest or environment close by or sitting on a couch being surrounded by good friends and conversations. I lived in New Zealand until moving to Vancouver in 2023. I grew up going on outdoor adventures via boat, foot or bike with family and friends. I love eating good food and learning more about the world through food. 

  • What is your day job?

I’m an environmental educator with a small non-profit based in Vancouver. I spend my days going into classrooms of all ages and stages and playing games (learning comes best through games). The program I deliver at the moment is focused on waste/resource management which includes creating connections to our environment, understanding our role in fixing the waste issues we see and having fun empowering both students and teachers. 

  • How long have you been involved with the nsmba?

About a year. I went along to a trail day as one of the first things I did when wanting to find a community in Vancouver and then almost immediately applied to be on the board. 

  • Why did you join the board?

I wanted to be part of creating a beautiful mountain biking community in the new area I was living in. I could see how involved people could get through trail dig days, events and having a chat on the trails and wanted to be part of making this accessible to more people. 

  • How long have you been mountain biking?

ooooohhh, 15 years on and off with some adventure racing mixed in there too. Focused on mountain biking for the last 5 years though. 

  • Describe your experience on the nsmba board?

Full of learning and optimism. I have learnt so much about the hard work that goes into building and maintaining this amazing trail network. Full of optimism because there are great people within the NSMBA that have so much passion for the trails and community and are willing to put in the effort to make things happen.

  • What have been your highlights with the nsmba?

Being part of the Trails for All committee has been a highlight, learning and implementing inclusivity and accessibility into the north shore trails. Volunteering at Fivers has been amazing, fantastic conversations with people from all walks of mountain biking life coming out to support and increase the stoke together. 

  • Favourite Trails(on or off the Shore)?

Pangor (Seymour), Kirkford (Fromme), Eagle vs Shark (Rotorua, NZ), Split Enz (Rotorua, NZ) 

  • How do you spend time off the trails?

Cooking/baking, amatuer watercolour painting, swimming, watching ‘how to bike’ episodes again


  • Describe Riding the North Shore?

uuuuuup then dooooooooown with some rocks, roots and fun surprises

  • Favourite Riding Season?

Crisp spring or autumn days

  • Sunrise or Sunset?


  • Post ride Cafe order?

Cinnamon roll

  • Song on repeat?

Waking up easy by Lime Cordiale 



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