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Friends of the TPT: Small Grant Fund

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Friends of the TPT: Small Grant Fund

The Friends of the Trans Pennine Trail are a registered charity and can apply for funding to help the TPT National Office and our partners.  This funding is classed as ‘restricted funding’ as it can only be spent on the specific elements of each funding bid.

Contributions from membership fees and other donations to the Friends are classed as ‘unrestricted funds’ which enable the Friends of the TPT Trustees to have discretion over how this money can be spent.  This process has been developed further with the introduction of the Small Grants Fund.

The Small Grants Fund is aimed at worthwhile projects on or near the Trail that are applied for by supporters or community groups, with a limit of £500 to cover tools and materials (labour costs will not be covered).

Projects that have been funded so far include:

York Greenways – This  application funded the printing of leaflets and posters to showcase the flowers found along this section of route and the history behind efforts to promote biodiversity along the path, encouraging people using the Trail and familiarise themselves with the local species.

Pennine Volunteer Group received funding for litter picker hoops that helped the volunteers safely hold bags during litterpicks.

Lymm Parish Council received funding for bulbs that were planted at the crossing of the TPT in Lymm following works to upgrade the Trail.  The soil around the junctions had been disturbed by the upgrades providing an ideal opportunity for planting, with wonderful results:



The TPT Conservation Volunteers – Penistone to Dunford Bridge – used the funding for buying bow saws, pole saws and pruning saws for their very active group to continue their work maintaining this section of Trail.   

The Vale of Snaith Action Group (Walkers are Welcome)  – This successful funding bid enabled the installation of a Jubilee Garden with 2 planters, bench, lectern and water bottle filling station with pet fountain: 



There are a few other projects that have been successful but not yet complete.  The application form is very easy to complete – so if you have a worthwhile project, or know a group that do, then please email and ask for a copy of the application form.  Decisions are normally made at Board meetings that are held every 3 months but if an urgent decision is needed, this can be accommodated in exceptional circumstances.

Written on behalf of


Date: 30th May 2024 

         Mandy Loach                

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


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