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TPT User Code Update

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

TPT User Code Update

The Trans Pennine Trail is a wonderful route for walkers, cyclists, horse riders and wheelers. Spanning across the North of England, from coast to coast, it offers a variety of landscapes, wildlife and heritage to enjoy. Whether you are looking for a leisurely stroll, a challenging ride, or a relaxing day out, the Trans Pennine Trail has something for everyone to enjoy.

With so many different users sharing the Trail, it is important that we all follow some sensible rules to ensure everyone can have a safe and happy experience. That’s why we have updated our User Code, which outlines the best practices for using the Trail and being considerate and respectful of others. The User Code applies to everyone, regardless of their mode of travel, and we ask you to read it carefully and follow it whenever you are on the Trail.

What’s new in the User Code?

The User Code has been rebranded to make it clearer and more accessible for ALL users. We have added some new sections and tips to address some of the issues and challenges that you may encounter.

Here are some of the main changes and additions that you should be aware of:

  • SHARE WITH CARE – This sums up the spirit of the User Code and reminds us that we all have a responsibility to be courteous and mindful of others on the Trail.
  • We have added a section on e-scooters, motorbikes, modified e-bikes and other unauthorised vehicles, which are not allowed on the Trail. If you see people using these on the Trail, please report them to the police via their online reporting methods.
  • We have added a section on wheelers, which includes mobility scooters and powerchairs. We have provided some guidance on the speed limit, safety precautions and distance from other users for these mechanisms.
  • We have added some useful links to other organisations and codes that are relevant to the Trail, such as Sustrans, British Horse Society, Disabled Ramblers, Countryside Code and Canals and Rivers Trust. These provide more information and advice on how to use the Trail and other shared paths in a responsible and respectful way.

The User Code is available on our website, where you can read it online. You can also find it on our social media channels, where we will be sharing some highlights and reminders from time to time. We encourage you to share the User Code with your friends, family and fellow Trail users, and help us spread the word about how to share the Trail with care and respect.

Together, we can make the Trail a better place for everyone.

Date: 21st June 2024 

          Hannah Beaumont           

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


Using the tables below you can work out how far you want to go on the TPT.

Useful Links for Information

Check our useful links regarding accessibility


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