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Kids Half Term Activity Pack

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Kids Half Term Activity Pack

This week I’ve been having a lot of fun pulling together our latest Kids Activity Pack to keep our young followers entertained over next week’s half term break.

The idea of a Kids Activity pack was conceived during Lockdown, to provide activities for primary school children while cooped up at home, with the focus on activities they could do at home with a little bit of support from their parents or carer.

The response was so good that we decided to continue producing the packs once restrictions were lifted, to continue encouraging them to be creative while thinking about nature and the World around them.

Most activities can still be done at home but we’re also encouraging children to explore the outdoors with activities such as foraging trips to collect materials for a creative project and nature spotting activities.  And there’s always something yummy to make and eat too!

We produce a different pack for each School holiday and the February half-term pack is full of activities that include making a jam jar xylophone and a simple egg box birdfeeder, becoming an animal track detective, a Word Search for words relevant to the Season and activities for Pancake Tuesday and Valentine’s Day.

Once the TPT team are happy with the content of the Activity pack, we load it on to the children’s page on the TPT website, at Welcome to our Children’s Page | Trans Pennine Trail and then share the link far and wide to TPT supporters and schools right across the 26 Local Authority areas that the Trail passes through – so hopefully it should reach a wide audience but if you’ve got any other suggestions for circulation, just get in touch by emailing us at

The latest pack was loaded on to the website on Monday afternoon and already it has been downloaded over a thousand times by mid-day on Thursday.  And it’s not just of interest to people with access to the TPT, the outdoor activities can take place in any green outdoor space as testified by a school as far away as West Sussex who have complimented us on the packs.

I love asking friends and searching online for projects that are appropriate for the age group and the time of year, and then adapting them for our young audience and formatting them into our attractive pack design that can be viewed on-the-go on mobile devices or printed off ‘old school’, at home.  If you spot an activity that you think we should include in a future pack, get in touch by emailing us at

Take a look and download the free pack by clicking the image or link below where you will be taken to our children’s page from where you can download this latest edition or any of the other packs we’ve produced over the 12 months.





Welcome to our Children’s Page | Trans Pennine Trail

Let us know what you think of it, and don’t forget to send us your ideas of activities we could include in future packs.

And as we celebrate 35 years of the Trans Pennine Trail this year, look out for our special birthday pack later in the year.

Date: 8th February 2024 

 Robert Drummond

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


Using the tables below you can work out how far you want to go on the TPT.

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Check our useful links regarding accessibility


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