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In the footsteps of the Romans

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

In the footsteps of the Romans

It was great to receive a write up from the Doncaster Ramblers about a walk they did at the end of January ‘In the footsteps of the Romans’ taking in part of the Trail.  Hope you enjoy reading their write up of their walk:

On Tuesday 30th January 2024, 28 of us set off from the car park on Anchorage Lane for a walk that was last walked, as far as I am aware, in November 2016 and led by Peter Rooke. The weather was cloudy and rather cool but with the prospect of sunshine later in the day.

After the only hill of the day we reached Cusworth Hall and picked up 3 lonely ramblers making the group 31 in total. We crossed Cusworth Lane and then across a recently ploughed field with no reinstated footpath!! After the previous days rain, we were expecting a mud bath but, although muddy, it was not as bad as expected. We then walked along tree lined Long Plantation and into Scawsby Park for our coffee stop.

When we were all rested and refreshed we crossed Barnsley Road and walked down to the old Roman Road called Roman Ridge which we followed to just north of Highfields. Although we didn’t see any roman relics there were plenty of late 20th and early 21st pieces of rubbish to be seen!!

We then entered Highfields Country Park just as the forecast sunshine appeared, we walked around the lake and then branched off, for a rarity these days, of a pub stop at The Highwayman. After suitable refreshments we rejoined the Doncaster greenway and walked through Castle Hills and across Jossey Lane to join an old railway line, now a part of the TPT, and followed it back to the junction with Anchorage Lane and our cars.

Everybody seemed to enjoy this local walk which meant no early start and home for afternoon tea!!

Point of Interest: Roman Ridge is an old Roman Road which was part of the Roman Road called Ermine Street and ran from London to York. In Doncaster it runs from behind the Sun Inn, at the junction of York Road and Barnsley Road, up to Redhouse Interchange and is now a public bridleway. From Redhouse it has been swallowed up by the A1 as has most of the original Ermine Street.

If you would like to find out more information about Doncaster Ramblers please visit their website for latest information, including future activity. You can also follow them on Facebook for details of past Rambler outings.  Remember while out observe the Countryside Code and give way to other walkers.

The Trans Pennine Trail national office are keen to hear from you about local walks, cycle rides and horse routes that take in part of the Trail that we can start to map on our website to enable users to explore. If you have a route like the Doncaster Ramblers you would like to share with us please don’t hesitate to in touch with the office at

Date: 1st March 2024 

Mandy Loach                       Hannah Beaumont             Robert Drummond

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


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