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July 1, 2024 – Longdendale Tales – A trip through time (Longdendale)

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

July 1, 2024 – Longdendale Tales – A trip through time (Longdendale)

Overview from the organisers, Longdendale Tales Arts Collective: What remains of Longdendale’s past? And what can it tell us? Together, we’ll look at the birth of Longdendale, linking the Devensian glacial ice sheet to Mottram.

We’ll ponder the possibility of a Roman Fort in the valley, we’ll discuss the deserted medieval village at Arnfield, and so much more… The contents of The Glossop Cabinet of Curiosities will be unveiled in an intimate setting with archaeologist Tim Campbell-Green.

Plus, Matt Hill presents a specially compiled selection of songs he has written inspired by British landscapes. His landscape songs come directly from walks and often explore myth and legend. ‘Bleaklow’ explores the folklore of areas around the Longdendale Valley, from phantom Roman Legions to mysterious lights buzzing atop the pylons.  Matt’s performance will also include a song commissioned specifically for our Crowden Chapel sessions, based on a 19th century poem about the Devil and a Longdendale Doctor.

What to expect:
Park and meet at Crowden Car Park at 7.15pm.
The event begins in Crowden woodland, next to the car park at 7:30pm.
Please be on time as we’ll be walking up to the Woodhead chapel altogether at 7:45pm and can’t wait for latecomers!
Then there will be a 1km walk (mixed terrain, off-road paths and slight ascent up to the chapel) which takes the average person 20 minutes.
There are steep steps up to the chapel door, but a handrail is available.
During the performances you will sit on chapel pews for two acts with a short interval.

Once the event is finished, at 9:30pm we will walk back to Crowden Car Park – we strongly recommend bringing a torch to help light the way for you and others.

There is no phone signal at Crowden Car Park, but there is at the chapel.

Please note: This event is not suitable for those under 18 years old. No dogs.

Date: Monday 1st July, 2024

Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm

Location: Crowden Car Park – Peak District NP

Further info:

A Trip Through Time Tickets, Mon 1 Jul 2024 at 19:30 | Eventbrite

What to expect:
Park and meet at Crowden Car Park at 7.15pm.
The event begins in Crowden woodland, next to the car park at 7:30pm.
Please be on time as we’ll be walking up to the Woodhead chapel altogether at 7:45pm and can’t wait for latecomers!
Then there will be a 1km walk (mixed terrain, off-road paths and slight ascent up to the chapel) which takes the average person 20 minutes.
There are steep steps up to the chapel door, but a handrail is available.
During the performances you will sit on chapel pews for two acts with a short interval.

Once the event is finished, at 9:30pm we will walk back to Crowden Car Park – we strongly recommend bringing a torch to help light the way for you and others.

There is no phone signal at Crowden Car Park, but there is at the chapel.

Please note: This event is not suitable for those under 18 years old. No dogs.



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