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PG - Vuelta - Stage 2


The stage profile for tomorrow...

Results after stage 1 - We have a 6-way tie!

The Game

If you have not played before read below and feel free to play along. It’s really fun and gets you even more into the race! We have a spreadsheet with graphs, etc that you can view at any time and we will post a link to it in the fanpost for each stage. It is a great tool to see the popularity of riders and results. It is also good to double check your picks as we have been known to make keying errors. Race previews can be found at a number of websites to help you with your picks.


In this game, only the stage results matter. You're not committed to keeping the same riders throughout the race, you make fresh picks before every stage. Our overall competition is just the sum of individual stage scores. You're eligible for the overall even if you miss some stages.

Pick 4 riders for the upcoming race. The order of your picks doesn't matter. All of your riders can score. Please list their last names only....Fausto nicknames are great but it makes more work for data entry. So last names only and if need be first initial: Martin D or Izagirre I sort of thing.

Riders score points down to 10th place. Less popular riders score more points than heavily-picked favorites. See below for scoring details.

The strict entry deadline is the official start time of the stage, the neutralized rollout or Départ Fictif. Be warned - if your post is timestamped one minute late your entry won't count! So do remember that there's no disadvantage to getting an entry in early, even the day before, because you may always change your picks up until the deadline. Feel free to rethink your picks when it emerges which riders are more or less popular with other players. If you make changes, post your revised 4 picks in a reply to your original post. With a stage most days for 21 days you need to be on it and give yourself enough time each day to enter.


Forgot to mention..!!!

The last 3 stages will be secret entry between the top contenders… To avoid defensive picking..

When we say top contenders we leave the number open because who knows how many will be within striking distance...

We will notify you in the comments if we need you to do a secret entry.


We will try and post results in a timely fashion as soon after each stage as possible. However none of us are quite as talented as straw dog so we will just do our best there. We will post them along with a post for the next stage.

And if you want to check your entries, see rider popularity and results:

Our spreadsheet master msbee created: THE BEST SPREADSHEET EVER!

Good luck and may the best stage race picker win!

Post your entry below!



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