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JUNIOR 4NCL – 18/02/21 Div 3 – Group B – Round 3

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JUNIOR 4NCL – 18/02/21
Division 3 – Group B – Round 3

Dundee City Juniors 4, Harrow Juniors E 4

What a great result and performance by our Dundee City Junior players against a side that out graded them on all boards!

Board One: Ramit Kanodia J13 (900) 2 – 0

We did get some help with Harrow defaulting the top board to give us a 2 – 0 start. But even if it changed the result I am sure Ramit would rather have played chess win or lose because that is why you enter! Still must not look a gift horse in the mouth!


Board Two: Josh Dickson J10 (UG) 1 – 1 (Game 1; – Game 2)
Josh is a fast improving player and he has such a love and will to win at chess. He got caught out in the first game against a stronger player on paper. The good thing is, he did not let him faze him and went straight into battle with a determination to make amends and that he did! Great fighting chess Josh!


Board Three: Noah Dickson (UG) 1 – 1 (Game 1; – Game 2)
If my brother can do it, so can I! Noah is only 8 yet he fights with every fibre of his body and is determined to not be left behind by his brother Josh! Like Josh he lost his first game against a far stronger player, but again like Josh, he did not let it get to him and came back fighting and even brought the kitchen sink along to throw at his shocked opponent! His opponent went down the plug hole faster than Usain Bolt! Well played young man!


Board Four: Haoqi Liu (UG) 0 – 2 (Game 1; – Game 2)

Well we all have our moments to forget and this was one of Haoqi`s as he lost in 4 moves to a Scholars Mate, something Haoqi is good enough to avoid. I think Haoqi`s problem sometimes, is concentration and playing on automatic rather than checking everything out. It cost him dear here. Still he put in a much better fighting performance in the second game which shows he is of strong character. He lost again, but hopefully this will have been a wake up call as he is a good young player!


Well played to get the draw given the grading`s. This is the sort of performance and result that is better than it looks and may give the team more confidence for their next match. Mind you they are going to need it as they face a very strong Temple Sutton Juniors who’s top 3 boards are over 1500+!


Dundee City Juniors sit in 4th place on 3 points; their opponents next week are in 2nd place on 6 points, so time to dig in!




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